Occupational Health
& Safety

Right to a Safe Work Environment

“Every employer shall provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of his employees.”

1993 Amended Occupational Health and Safety Act

All South Africans are entitled to a safe workplace, where they can work without fear
of health and safety risks.

Workers’ Rights

The 1993 Amended Occupational Health and Safety Act outlines the workers’ rights to health and safety in the workplace. Workers’ rights include, but are not limited to:

  1. Workers are entitled to reasonable safety measures to protect their health
    and safety in the workplace.
  2. Employees must be given reasonable “information, instructions, training and
    supervision” to protect their health and safety.
  3. Workers must receive reasonable safety measures before employers can force them to work.

Right to a Safe Work Environment

The Centre for Rural Legal Studies conducts learning sessions with farm workers and other rural dwellers in the Central Karoo District on Occupational Health and Safety and the prevention of injuries while on duty. We inform the farm workers on their rights to a safe and risk free workplace. Our learning sessions empower farm workers and rural dwellers to engage and conduct dialogue with all stakeholders to ensure the safe and living working conditions that they are entitled to. We also produce pamphlets and booklets around Occupational Health and Safety and injuries while on duty.